What’s a Netpreneur? You know..?
I wanna be a netpreneur.
What’s a ‘netpreneur’, I hear you ask? A netpreneur is an ’internet entrepreneur’.
When we think of internet entrepenuers, we think of the insanely-rich people that created Amazon, Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Whilst it would be great to build an internationally-renowned website like these, it’s clearly out of reach for most of us.
This website deals with ‘netpreneurs’ who operate on a far less grandiose scale. For the purpose of this website, a ‘netpreneur’ is someone who is capable of financially sustaining his/her family and desired lifestyle via the World Wide Web.
There is an important distinction to make up front - my understanding of ’netpreneurs’ is that they are not necessarily rich people - in terms of dollars. I think that true ‘netpreneurs’ strive to control and protect a commodity that is much more important and valuable in this day and age than money - their time.
So, why do I want to be a ‘netpreneur’? Well, it’s quite simple. I don’t want to spend 8-12 hours slaving at work each day. I don’t want to get that sinking feeling in my stomach every Sunday evening in the knowledge that a full week of work awaits. I don’t want to dress up in a suit and tie each morning. I don’t want to endure traffic snarls or catch public transport on my way to and from work. I don’t want to compromise my lifestyle and family life for some faceless corporate job.
I want to be able to work where I want, when I want to, without being told what to do. I don’t want to make somebody else rich. Instead, I want to use my brains, creativity and innovativeness to ‘build something’ for myself. I want destiny to rest solely in my own hands and no-one else’s. And perhaps most importantly, I want to spend quality time with my family and my dog.
It sounds fantastic, but is it possible to spurn traditional employment and make a living on the web? Or is it a pipe dream? To tell you the truth, I’m not entirely sure whether it is possible or not - but I am on a journey of discovery to see if it can work out!
Certainly, the media would have us believe that there is an abundance of people out there making a fortune from the internet. Just watch Today Tonight or A Current Affair and you’ll likely come across a story or two about ordinary, everyday housewives who have made a million on ebay selling nicknacks from their third bedroom. Apparently, these success stories are a dime a dozen.
But from my experience thus far, it’s not just a matter of setting up shop and counting the money. There’s a lot of work involved….
I have learnt a lot thus far, and I suspect that my learning is only just the tip of the iceberg - there is much more learning to come, particularly as technology seems to change the landscape of this industry on a daily basis….
This website is designed to act as my ‘artificial intelligence’ - my knowledge resource. This website represents a place for me to record my tips and tricks and useful links for my own use and for others to use as well. Rather than writing reams of information, I have chosen to provide information in an abbreviated format, so that the information is actionable and can be read quickly (the netpreneur simply doesn’t have the time to read long articles).
Let’s get cracking - I am eager to become a full blooded ‘netpreneur’.
OK.. Are you ready.!! Let's start be a good netpreneur.
Your idea is brilliant
How can I welcome a Netpreneur? My e-mail hammedogundipe1983@yahoo.com
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