If you're a freelance writer you can use your skills and knowledge to make passive income online. How? As an affiliate marketer.
Following are four reasons why freelance writers are readily equipped to easily make $100 or more per day as affiliate marketers.
1. Writing Skill: Selling online is about convincing people to buy. How do you do this? By writing benefits-oriented, persuasive copy. This takes skill -- a skill you have that many in the affiliate marketing arena don't have.
Most affiliate marketers are new to the game and many of them have no idea what they're doing. They don't know about things like highlighting the benefits as opposed to the features of a product. As a freelance writer, you do -- which makes it easier to sell.
2. Internet Savvy: If you're a freelance writer, you are internet savvy. It's part of your job. This is especially true if you're an SEO copywriter. You know how to conduct web searches, you know web terminology (blogs, landing pages, search engine optimization, etc.), you know how to download and upload files, etc.
All of this is key to succeeding as an affiliate marketer. There is no learning curve for you, so you can get right down to the business of finding a product and promoting it.
3. Internet Marketing: As alluded to above, most fail at affiliate marketing because they don't know how to market. As a freelance writer, you're accustomed to selling online. After all, you sell your services all the time. You probably know how to put up a basic website, start a free blog, write and distribute articles to article directories (eg, article marketing), etc.
In short, you know all the free and low-cost methods you need to successfully promote affiliate products.
4. SEO: If you're a freelance writer -- even if you don't know the intricacies of search engine optimization (SEO) -- you probably know the basics, eg, what keywords are, what keyword density is, how to use Google's keyword adword tool, how to write keyword-rich articles, etc.
Even if you don't have this knowledge, you're well equipped to find out. If you're an SEO copywriter, you are lightyear ahead of the competition in this area.
Affiliate Marketing: How to Choose an Affiliate Product to Sell
One of the quickest ways is to go to a major affiliate product site like Clickbank or CommissionJunction or PepperjamNetwork and select a product or two.
Then, start promoting.
Wow... Always I'm the first commenters in here.
Thanks a ton it has been a wonderful guide, now to make $100 or more per day as an freelance writer is easy by using your information. Kudos
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