Monday, October 12, 2009

101 Ways to Make Mone Online

There's no catch and I'm not trying to sell you an ebook. Or
anything (read about conmen who do). I'm not even signing you
up for a newsletter. This list was put together more as a laugh. It
may change your life. Or it may annoy you enormously because
of its er, brevity. I hope it does both.
Some ideas here are nice and have halos, others smell of dog
urine ... but all these methods allegedly generate lotso dosho, and
every single one is legal at least somewhere. There's overlap in
everything so some ideas may be repeated (and some may not
be covered at all) but I'm still maintaining there are 101 ways to
make money online, partly because it makes a good headline.
No, solely because it makes a good headline. It sucked YOU in,
didn't it?

No, you won't get anything for nothing but there are a lot of
things you can get for nearly nothing. Like getting to pick holes in
my list. Go ahead. Pick holes and then link back here to show
people how stupid I am.
I've put together a lot of these ideas from thousands of hours
discussing businesses for sale with their owners. They've shared
with me how their businesses operate, how they make money
online, how they built their businesses up etc. They've given me
access to their traffic stats, their earnings and accounts and tax
figures. Many even gave me access to their Adsense or other
"main earner" accounts. Some of those businesses were so
irresistible that I bought them. And sold them. And bought others.
It's a game. I love it.
Most of these business ideas can be run from anywhere in the
world, even the United States, Australia and other non-English
speaking countries. For consistency sake all figures are quoted in
US dollars.
Each method is summarised in a single small para so appreciate
it's not the complete unabridged version. And, no, I haven't tried
each one so out of the 101 business models to make money
online 102 may be completely dud. But, I do intend expanding - in
due course - on some of the money-making ideas that worked
for me.
More disclaimers will come when people sue me (suing can make
you money, see #66)
Finding business ideas:
1. Spend all day browsing Site For Sale forums (like the list we
have here) for the myriad ways people earn money online. People
looking to sell their sites actually tell you how they make money!
Pick one that suits you. Research it a bit, and away and start your
own business. Or use a search engine to find ways to make
money online. It seems to be so easy that it's almost impossible
to find someone who doesn't know how
to do it. (But why stop at one search
engine (SE)? Most people get to less than
1% of the top qualify info they're seeking
because they use just one SE like Google,
don't have the vaguest of ideas of the
advanced search features available, and
don't know the benefits to be had using
specialised SEs, local SEs etc. )
2. Bundle the two above to tell other
people how to make money online. They
always want to know. It doesn't matter if
you don't know yourself, you can still
charge them for it. I obviously don't have
a clue as I'm giving it all away. You can
now ignore everything else I say. But don't go spending money
on internet cons promising to make you a millionaire and here's
how to spot them.
3. Be more inventive with your search. Look for small business
franchise newsletters. Or for home jobs in your particular niche or
hobby. (And check point #2 above for those specialised SEs). You
can also go through the appropriate DMOZ categories (examples: 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12)
But using "search" is just the start of the game. There are
simply so, so many ways. We hope you hang around to
find out.
4. Like the guy you can pay to stick a message in a bottle for you
and throw it into the sea. He's made tens of thousands of dollars
already. And there are several others like him in all parts of the
world. Do you live near a sea or river? Or join the cleanup of
those bottles and get your council to contribute.
5. The dot com gold rush made many millionaires but there's still
plenty of money in domain real estate and still some good catches
available. A good dot com may be difficult to find now. But there
are a lot of gTLDs and ccTLDs from the .info to .eu to .tv to
and they all present opportunities being discussed in several good
forums. Put your thinking hat on, buy a famous word domain for
a few dollars and put it up on the domain selling sites.
6. Lost your thinking hat? Hang out at SEDO. DNForurms,
Afternics and other places where domains are bought and sold.
Provided you learn enough about the market to recognise
bargains you could make a living from just buying existing
domains and reselling them.
7. If you're smart you'll run dictionary checks against available
domain names and auto-check them against search volumes
(using OST, Wordtracker etc.) for that term and Pay Per Click
(PPC) rates in the major ad networks (example) to work out which
ones are likely to be more profitable (how to make money with
PPC). If you can pick up the domain for a profitable term that's
searched for often you can use a domain parking program. Or
post a little bit of relevant content and get a link or two ... and the
search engines will start sending you traffic. If the phrase people
are typing in coincides exactly with your domain name it gives
you a great head start with SEs.
8. If you're smart AND a linguist you'd be doing that in multiple
languages. And not paying for any domain till you've tried it free
for five days to see if it does indeed get any type-in traffic (and
how well that traffic converts). After you've tried it for five days
and dropped it there's nothing to stop you immediately picking it
up again for another five day trial. Strange, but true. It's not kiting,
it's legal.
9. Misspellings. Massive opportunities still exist in the misspelling/
typo market. People trying to get elsewhere land on your site
instead ... and you sell them stuff (or use the domain parking
idea). Some even tempt fate by making PPC opportunties out of
typosquatting on trademarks. Finding typos has never been
easier. There are many tools that will find misspellings for you.
How easy can it get?
10. Domain parking and type-in traffic: People sometimes guess at
URLs. If they want a plumber they may try though they've never used
that site themselves. Find terms that people
may be typing in (I will provide a detailed
guide to this when I get a chance), buy the
domain and populate it with ads. There are
several ad programs to monetise your
parked domains. Or combine this with the
previous idea to buy or
similar typo domains to make money
11. Drop catches. People sometimes forget
to renew their domains and these expire.
Picking them up will give you some
remnant traffic from sites that link to this
domain/people who've bookmarked it etc.
In some cases the traffic can be pretty high.
Provided you're fast enough to replace the
copyrighted content that was there with
something else you can make quite a
profitable business from doing nothing else
but this.
12. A variation on the above. Sell the domain
back to the previous owners. Note that you
may want to tread carefully and get familiar with the rules for that
TLD before you start sending off ransom notes. For example, with
ICANN (domains that end in .com, for example) the moment you
send the previous owners an email saying you've got their
domain and you'll give it back for $10K... you've lost. It can't look
like a ransom demand. Be reasonable and read the small print of
the UDRP. No UDRP required if you're sitting hostage on or the equivalent at blogger,
twitter or other big destination. LOL, watch them kick themselves
and sack their web advisors who told them about taking the "dot
info" but omitted to mention the importance of protecting the
brand by owning the associated myspace directory (and others)!
And it costs you nothing!


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